This was created by Vincent van Wylick, blogger extraordinaire (not really), an entrepreneur at heart that likes to write. JustForSnG, which stands for Just for Stories and Giggles (no, it's not s***), is for publishing stories in piecemeal format. Most of my creativity comes out when I write in public and hence I hope that this is an effective creative outlet.
Current & former writings can be found on:
Current & former writings can be found on:
- Sounds, Food & Retail - on the restaurant & retail industry
- Tech IT Easy - a group blog on technology
- Favourit(E)s - reviewing anything from movies to recipes
- Electric Publishing - on publishing and related matters
- Nationality: European (half-Dutch)
- Born in Germany & raised in various European countries
- Attended English-speaking education since the age of 12
- Studied in England and the Netherlands
- Worked for technology companies mostly as:
- marketeer & sales person
- operations manager
- sales manager
- founder & entrepreneur
- Enjoys both sports & food too much
- Currently lives in the Netherlands with the woman he loves